Winslow Homer Dory at sea

Is a Modern Lightweight Dory REALLY Seaworthy? Are Dories REALLY Seaworthy?

Dories are a part of the great American Maritime Tradition. From the book and film of Captain’s Courageous to all the folklore about fishermen surviving awful conditions at sea in a Dory.

But Do they really stack up to their press? It seems that every few weeks I see a new design for a rowing dory or a sailing dory.

The Paddling on the Colorado River continues.

More paddling on Lake Powell, Utah, part of the Colorado River.

Remember that I am not a real Canoeist. I have paddled quite a range of different boats at some time or another, I do know basic strokes, I have used canoes to do several day tours (Noosa River, Hawkesbury River) but this trip was to much more remote areas. Closest towns 50 or so kilometres away, we were likely to be pretty well the only people on that area of water after the weekend, we had to carry everything including food as there are no shops.